Mid-Year Osage Summit
The Value of Curiosity: Reimagining the Exploitation of The North Avant Unit to Produce Significant Incremental Reserves
Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, Quarterly Meeting
The Value of Curiosity: Reimagining the Exploitation of Mature Mid-Continent Conventional Reservoirs to Produce Significant Incremental Reserves
The Value of Curiosity: Reimagining the Exploitation of Mature Mid-Continent Conventional Reservoirs to Produce Significant Incremental Reserves
A century ago, in one small patch of Oklahoma, Texaco drilled an oil well.

Short-Radius Rotary Steerable Drilling Key To Enhancing Recovery In Horizontal Waterflood

Depleted reservoirs get a second chance with low-cost drilling and completions.

Application of Horizontal Waterflooding to Improve Oil Recovery from Old Oil Fields
This paper discusses the results of the application of horizontal waterflooding technology to improve the recovery of oil from older fields.

Increased Production Results From Pilot Horizontal Waterflood in Osage County, Oklahoma
This paper details the results of a three-year project to test horizontal waterflooding as a means of improving oil recovery from the Bartlesville sandstone

Enhanced Oil Recovery with Horizontal Waterflooding
Enhanced Oil Recovery with Horizontal Waterflooding, Osage County, Oklahoma R. V. Westermark SPE, Grand Directions, D. Dauben, SPE, Dauben International Energy Consultants, Inc., S. Robinowitz, Grand Resources, Inc., and H. V. Weyland, U.S. Department of Energy

Horizontal waterflooding increases injectivity and accelerates recovery
A northeast Oklahoma operator has completed an injector and two producers with horizontal wells in the shallow Bartlesville Sandstone

Enhanced Oil Recovery by Horizontal Waterflooding
Problem: Water Coning Solution: Horizontal Wells